Rental Properties – what records do I need to bring?

Rental Properties – what records do I need to bring?

Below is a list of recommended documents and information that you need to bring in relation to your rental property.

Questions I will ask:

  • How many weeks was the property rented for this financial year?
  • Was it available for rent the entire year?
  • Was there any private use of the property?
  • Was the loan/mortgage re-financed during the financial year?
  • Who owns the property legally?

Documents you need to bring:

  • Property Manager annual statements (if you have the property managed by someone else)
  • Total rental income (if you manage the property yourself)
  • Loan/mortgage statements for the period 1/7/18 to 30/06/2019
  • Any advertising fees paid for new tenants
  • Bank fees
  • Body Corporate or Strata Data fees
  • Cleaning costs
  • Insurance policies
  • Land tax notices (if relevant)
  • Council rate notices
  • Emergency Services Levy notice
  • Water Rates notices
  • Gardening or Lawn mowing invoices
  • Postage or Stationery costs in relation to managing the property
  • Receipts for any repairs made on the property
  • Have you had a depreciation schedule done for the property that I do not have a copy of yet?
  • Anything else that you think is relevant to the property that I haven’t listed above.

As always if you have any questions please give me a yell on 73243247 or email


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