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2023 Please read prior to your appointment

Your income summary (if employed) must be marked as TAX READY in MyGov in order for me to be able to complete your return, if it’s not please reschedule.NEW CLIENTS – have completed the onboarding process via Seamlss. You would…

Tax return tips – Deductions

Deductions When completing your tax return, you’re entitled to claim deductions for some expenses, most of which should be directly related to earning your income (called “work-related expenses”). Naturally, a deduction reduces your taxable income and means you pay less…

Tax return tips- Income

Income that must be declared The taxability of some forms of income may seem obvious, but in keeping with our objective of being thorough, here is a list of common types of income that must be declared on your tax…

Tax return tips – General

Tax return tips Despite the current COVID-19 world in which we live, the procedures for completing and lodging tax returns remains pretty much the same. So, before we sit down with you to go over your tax return, certain information…

2020 Please read prior to your appointment

Your income summary must be marked as TAX READY in MyGov in order for me to be able to complete your return, if it’s not please reschedule. NEW CLIENTS – must bring photo ID and your Tax File Number Please…

Corona Virus Stimulus package

I had been hesitant about posting about the stimulus package announced last week as it wasn’t the final package, and it hasn’t been passed by Parliament yet. But I have been receiving a lot of questions regarding what’s on offer…

Fictions (and facts) about work expense deductions

There can be varied sources for some of the myths about tax deductions —pub-talk, BBQ-banter, hairdresser-homilies, what-your-taxi-driver-just-heard and many others. We sort out fact from fiction. This year’s tax time saw media reports about various outlandish tax claims — for…

Personal deductions for car parking expenses

Car parking fees incurred in the course of producing assessable income are generally deductible, but special rules apply if the car is used by an employee to commute between home and work or the car is provided to the employee…