I am behind in my tax and have multiple years of tax to do, can you help me?

Of course. It’s quite common for people to get behind in their tax. It’s simply a matter of getting in contact with me to book an appointment and I will take it from there. I can liaise with the tax office regarding what is required and negotiate any payment arrangements if necessary. It is nowhere near as scary as most people make it out to be and once you have seen me and engaged me as your Accountant, the responsibility is taken from your shoulders.


I have multiple payment summaries from different employers. Do you charge extra for that?

No. I have a flat fee for individual returns, $175 for one and $320 for partners i.e. spouses. This fee covers everything that is included in an average individual return. I do charge extra for rental properties, subcontractors or ABN income returns, and other complex calculations such as multiple investments or capital gains calculations. Fee from refund incurs a $30 admin charge in addition to listed fees. Please contact me on 7324 3247 for a quote.


How do you process the returns?

I normally allow an hour for an appointment. We go through everything that is applicable to your situation, then I will complete the return. You sign the return on the spot. I do ask for payment prior to lodging the return, so if you settle your account at the time, your return should be lodged the same day. Refunds typically get paid straight to your bank account but some clients to elect to have me take my fees from their refund, which is fine too (charges apply).


I am a small business, can you help me?

I love small business. I can help with everything from starting up your business and getting things right, through to expanding your business and restructuring your business to make sure its the right fit for you. I love to get involved with my small business clients and help them grow their business.