
As you know, I have been experiencing mental health issues for some time. This has escalated to a point where I am no longer able to work in the business.

I am delighted to let you know that Morgan Griffin of Katalyst Accounting will be taking over my portfolio of clients, effective immediately.

Morgan is a Chartered Accountant with more than 10 years of experience as a tax accountant. Her business Katalyst Accounting is a full service advisory and tax accounting firm working with individuals, sole traders and businesses of all sizes.

I know Morgan and I can personally vouch for her professionalism and integrity. I’m confident that she will provide you with the exceptional level of service you deserve from your tax accountant.

If you are an individual tax return client, please book an appointment directly with Morgan by clicking the button below.

If you are a business client and would like to have an initial chat to discuss your needs, please book a Discovery CallĀ with Morgan by clicking the button below.

You are also welcome to contact Morgan by phone on 0418 827 520.

On a personal note, there aren’t enough words to express how grateful I am to you for your support over the time I’ve been in business.

Wishing you all the very best.

Warm regards

Alison Kennedy